Portable Diagnostics Touching Lives - Rene's Mother
- By: Admin
- On: 03/14/2018 23:50:46
- In: Patient Stories
Rene's Mother
Rene Steven of Wichita, Kansas is grateful for the many services that portable diagnostics have been able to provide her mother, Esther Steven. At 91, Esther is truly remarkable. After raising 11 children, she has been blessed with numerous grandchildren and great grandchildren. It is no wonder she wanted to stay in the family home, even after her husband passed away. After Esther was hospitalized due to illness, she was eventually transferred to a rehab facility. She stayed for 100 days in skilled nursing care and then was transferred to a long term care floor. While there, Esther needed x-rays for various diagnostics. “I can't tell you how wonderful it was not to have to transport her to a hospital when she needed an x-ray or scan. She is 91 years old and very fragile. Sometimes she could barely hold her head up or walk” said Rene. Having a portable x-ray performed at bedside allowed Esther to be as safe as possible. As Esther's health improved, she wanted to return to the comfort of her home. Once home, however, she sustained injuries due to a fall. “We could barely move her without her being in pain. To have your service come to the house in the freezing cold and perform x-rays might have saved her from further injury”, said Rene. In addition, Ester was able to get subsequent necessary diagnostics in the comfort and safety of her own home instead of having to travel to and wait in an ED in her frail state. “Portable x-ray and other diagnostic services have been a blessing for my mom and for the family that cares for her so much. We are grateful for everything you do” said Rene in summary.