Join a Committee

APDA Committees

Committee Membership:  Joining an APDA Committee is one of the most rewarding experiences APDA offers for either a Regular or Associate Business Members (ABMs).  Not only do you help APDA accomplish some of its most important work, but you also form life-long friendships with industry colleagues. If you are interested in joining a Committee, please contact the Chair by the means noted below.


1. Membership Committee:  The Membership Committee is responsible for the continued well-being of APDA through recruitment of new members and retention of existing members.  The Committee accomplishes this goal by communicating the value of APDA membership to non-members and by soliciting them for membership.
Chair:  TBD


2. Vendor/Advertising Committee:  The role of the Vendor/Advertising is to promote APDA by working with the communications committee in promoting APDA on the Website and through social media platforms. This committee will assist and assure that current ABM vendors needs are met. The Committee is also responsible for soliciting ABMs for membership, advertising on the APDA website and for sponsorships of APDA events.
Chair:  Darcie Raines

3. Communications Committee: The purpose of the Communications Committee is to keep members, non members and the industry informed about APDA activities and the industry through platforms such as the APDA newsletter, emails and APDA website.
Chair: Rosie Crawford

4. By-Laws/Nominating Committee: The purpose of the By-Laws/Nominating Committee is to oversee APDA By-laws by working with the Executive Committee and APDA Board to keep them up to date and correct. This committee will also oversee voting and nominations for APDA officers and Board.
Chair: Aaron Baker

5. Legislative/Advocacy Committee: The purpose of the Legislative Committee is to advocate for APDA and the portable Diagnostic industry by assisting CGS, working with state and federal lawmakers.
Chair: Will Irwin

6. Conferencing Committee: The purpose of the Conferencing Committee is to organize and oversee APDA conferences with the assistance of the Vendor, Advertising and Communication committees. This includes obtaining speakers, advertisers, platform, place, time, agenda, price, etc.
Chair: Anna Dailey

7. Ultrasound Transportation Committee The purpose of the Ultrasound Transporation Committee is to strategize and research Medicare reimbursement for IDTF Transporation costs.
Chair: Joni Jack
Co-Chairs: Sue McNamee, Phil Rathbun