CMS & Medicare Resources

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is the federal agency within the United States Department of Health and Human Services that administers the Medicare program and works in partnership with state governments to administer Medicaid. In addition to these programs, CMS has other responsibilities such as the administrative simplification standards from the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), and Medicare enrollment and quality standards for portable x-ray suppliers, long-term care facilities and other health care providers through its survey and certification process.

CMS Resources and Information

CMS Home Page
CMS Contacts Information
CMS Contacts Database
CMS Physician Self-Referral Law (Stark Law)
National Plan and Provider Enumeration System
Medicare Program Integrity Manuals
Consolidated Billing 

Medicare Claims Processing

Medicare Enrollment and Claim Submission Guidelines (August 2014)
Chapter 13: Radiology Services and Other Diagnostic Procedures. (Section 90: Portable X-Ray Suppliers.)
Medicare Claims Processing Manuals – All Chapters

MLN Matters Articles from CMS

MLN Matters SE1128 – Prohibition on Balance Billing Dually Eligible Individuals Enrolled in the Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) Program
MLN Matters MM9354: Billing of the Transportation Fee by Portable X-Ray Suppliers
MLN Matters SE1237: Importance of Legible Medical Records
MLN Matters SE1522: Claims Submission Alternatives for Difficulties Submitting ICD-10 Claims
MLN Matters MM9112: Clarification of Ordering and Certifying Documentation Requirements
MLN Matters MM8997: CMS Updates on Transportation of Equipment Billed by a SNF to a MAC (see page 4)
MLN Matters MM8583: New Timeframe for Response to Additional Documentation Requests
MLN Matters MM8863: Specific Modifiers for Distinct Procedural Services (Modifier 59)
MLN Articles – Catalog

HIPAA and Data Security

HIPAA Basics – Medicare Learning Network 2014
HIPAA and Breach Notification Rules
Guide to Privacy and Security of Electronic Health Information
HIPAA Fact Sheet
HIPAA – General Information


Covid PRF Portal User guide