Please contact us if you have questions, comments or want to help the advocacy team.
EMAIL HERE or call 888-892-2732 ext 105
2024-As a result of the efforts, dedication and participation of our members, associate business members and industry stakeholders, we completed over 115 Hill visits in May resulting in garnering Legislative support for securing Ultrasound Transportation reimbursement. APDA is now working on writing the Bill that will push us over the finish line.
2023 APDA is gaining traction on Ultrasound Transportation reimbursement. Stay tuned this coming year for positive updates. APDA encourages all providers to help with this initiative by giving to our PAC. We need $$ to keep pushing for the industry.
2022 Due to the fervent efforts of APDA and our industry partners working with CMS, FCSO recently raised the R code reimbursement by 8.7% for 2023!
August 1, 2021 APDA announces win for WPS providers. Due to the advocacy work of APDA and Cornerstone Government Affairs, along with NASL and TridentCare, including multiple meetings with congressional offices and conversations directly with the MAC, WPS recently announced substantial r-code rate increases for all six states in its jurisdiction effective July 1, 2021.
We are encouraged by the continued recognition received by the MACs and CMS of the value our services provide. This recognition is reflected not only in the numerous rate increases, but also in the opportunity to resurvey in states where decreases are proposed. We will continue the ongoing dialogue with Novitas and remain dedicated to advancing similar changes in other regions determined to be a priority by APDA membership. Read More
March 10, 2021 Great News! APDA has been notified that Novitas plans to resurvey PXR providers following the PHE prior to making any additional pricing changes beyond the increases that have already been implemented. NO CUTS until a resurvey!
All PXR providers must help APDA in its efforts to acheive fair transport reimbursement for each and every state. The Advocacy and Legislative committee has done a great job but needs your participation with any surveys or requests for data as they work with CMS. APDA has heard from states expressing their dismay at their low transportation reimbursement. WE NEED YOU TO PARTICIPATE .......We need your data to tell your story! Silence gets us and YOU nowhere! All personal information will be kept confidential.
January 4, 2021 Novitas Stops cuts to 2021 R0070 and Increases some states.
Thanks to the tireless efforts of APDA board, members and consulting partners, Novitas announced today that it will NOT cut the R0070 and will increase the R0070 reimbursement to Texas, DC, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, and New Mexico. Rates for other Novitas states will stay the same as 2020 rates until a reevaluation of all states at the end of the Covid 19 PHE.
November 20, 2020 Update to Covid code to cover supplies expense 99072-CMS WILL NOT PAY FOR IT
The American Medical Association (AMA) published a new Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) code on September 8 that accounts for extra provisions to ensure patient and provider safety during a public health emergency. CMS announced on October 27 it has assigned CPT 99072 procedure status “B.” The code is effective immediately: BUT NON REIMBURSEABLE BY CMS CPT 99072 - Additional supplies, materials, and clinical staff time over and above those usually included in an office visit or other non-facility service(s), when performed during a Public Health Emergency as defined by law, due to respiratory-transmitted infectious disease.
Some third-party payers have and will reimburse providers for this new CPT code, others won’t. Status "B" means:
2. CMS considers it to be bundled with whatever service was provided that day;
3. CMS’ contractors will not pay for this service;
4. Providers may not bill the beneficiary for this service; and
5. Issuing an Advanced Beneficiary Notice related to this service is not an option.
Read More
November 10, 2020
Details coming soon on the formation of an APDA Advocacy/Legislative team and a strategy meeting with CSG to discuss next steps for portable x-ray as relates to changes in U.S. legislative leaders and President.
September 1, 2020
Q. Any updates on R Code initiative?
A. APDA will hold a web go to meeting on Friday, 9/11, at 1 PM eastern standard time (EST) for MEMBERS ONLY. The purpose of the call is to bring you up-to-date on APDA’s progress on its regulatory and legislative goals and to ask your help in achieving them.
Sign-on letter: We are asking members of Congress to sign-on to a letter to CMS directing the agency to:
- Pause all R-Code reimbursement reviews until the end of the pandemic.
- Adjust all R-Code transportations rates to cover the added costs of Covid-19 for the duration of the pandemic.
- Revisit the process for computing the R-Code for the purpose of developing a transparent methodology which insures adequate reimbursement.
Q. I understand APDA has brought on a new lobby group, Cornerstone. What is CSG's plan for pxr representation and initiatives?
A. Your APDA Board has been working tirelessly over the last few months to represent every member around the country. Cornerstone has quickly helped us understand possible “Champions” on the Hill that could help all of our current efforts. With help from Cornerstone, we are again asking CMS the following:
- Request that CMS pause any rate reviews until after the pandemic
- Work with APDA and PXR companies to develop a transparent and practical methodology for adequate reimbursement for portable diagnostics
- Asked that they consider, due to our updated cost data from all of you, an immediate increase of 20% to all transportation codes to help offset our cost of COVID-19. The Board, along with CGA is currently scheduling Congressional meetings and will be reaching out to you to take advantage of past communications with your Senators and House representatives. Although it is a difficult time, we believe PXR companies are being heard and that we are gaining champions from many different areas and parts of the country that are pushing for our industry.Please be looking for updates from APDA and CGA. If you have any concerns, questions or assistance, please reach out to any of the Executive Committee or Board directly.
May 25, 2020
A. Yes, APDA has made a push for fair evaluation of the Rcode reimbursement for ALL regions.
May 13, 2020
Q. Are there any updates to the R code cuts?
A. APDA is working diligently to fight these cuts and any future cuts. These proposed cuts have led to the formation of the R-Code Standing Committee, consisting of APDA and other industry partners such as the National Association for the Support of Long-Term Care (NASL). That Committee meets weekly to formulate our industry’s regulatory and legislative strategy with respect to these rate cuts in the time of COVID-19. Your President, Will Irwin, and your President-Elect, Ryan Kingrey, participate in every single meeting. The collaboration has resulted in letters dated 3/31/2020 to Novitas and to CMS dated 04/22/2020. Our “Asks” of Novitas and CMS are somewhat different but can be summarized below:
- Pause any pending portable x-ray transportation rate reviews until after the COVID-19 emergency subsides
- Implement a 10% increase in the portable x-ray transportation rate for the duration of the COVID-19 outbreak
- Recognize the dramatic increase in demand for EKGs and echocardiograms for which there is no transportation fee paid
- Understand that without these measures PXR companies will have no choice but to reduce services hours, days, and distances traveled as they reduce staff.
- Recognize the PXR company technologists are front line health care workers, who at great risk, perform critical diagnostic tests on the residents of LTCFs aimed at preventing unnecessary and dangerous transfers to the Emergency Room and/or Hospital
- Recognize that PXR should not be part of consolidated billing and that PXR charges are a small part of MPFS allowed charges (<0.1%)
March 25, 2020
Q. Novitas has proposed a huge cut in the R code, what is APDA doing to help its members?
A. Please see letter from APDA President
- Maintain current rates until such time as new adequate rates for each state can be developed
- Ensure Medicare beneficiaries maintain access to timely portable x-ray services
- Create determinate, predictable reimbursement for providers
- Reject a “flat rate” application and take into consideration real variances between the 11 states and District of Columbia
- Novitas was complimentary about APDA’s collection efforts and our ability to increase industry participation with submitting detailed data
- Novitas confirmed the March 31, 2020 data collection period was still intact
- Novitas requested APDA to secure additional PXR companies cost data to increase industry participation
- Novitas would continue to work with APDA and other stakeholders during the review process
- Novitas provided the following timeline they will likely follow:
- Data collection period will expire on March 31, 2020
- Novitas will take 30-60 days to review data it received from all industry providers
- After a comprehensive review, Novitas will release new rates for each of the 11 states and DC
- Once the new rates are announced, the effective date will most likely begin 6 weeks from the date of the announcement
- Novitas indicated a single “flat rate” across all 11 states and DC would NOT occur. Novitas acknowledged there are geographic and demographic differences that create unique costs for each state.
- Immediately provide a 10% increase to PXR transportation rates in all Medicare jurisdictions while heightened infection control procedures are in place, and
- Pause all current Medicare Administrative Contractors (MAC) action on the reevaluation of PXR transportation rates for no less than six months or until the COVID-19 outbreak subsides.
- Contact your respective Members of Congress and ask them to reach out to CMS and promote:
- Providing a 10% increase to PXR transportation rates in all Medicare jurisdictions while heightened infection control procedures are in place
- Pausing all current Medicare Administrative Contractors (MAC) actions on the reevaluation of PXR transportation rates for no less than six months or until the COVID-19 outbreak subsides.
- Reach out to state stakeholders and ask if they will write CMS and promote our new requests as stated above.
Click here for APDA/NASL LETTER
Important Announcement Impacting Your Portable Imaging Supplier's National Provider Identifier (NPI) and Health Plan Enrollment
After two years of work the NAPXP has successfully redefined the National Provider Identifier (NPI) for “Portable X-ray Supplier” with the goal of obtaining reimbursement for ultrasound transport and simplifying validation. There is much work still to be done which APDA will vigorously undertake. Please read about this opportunity below.
If you previously selected “Portable X-ray Supplier” as the “area of specialization” associated with your portable x-ray or imaging operation's National Provider Identifier (NPI), then please note the following revision impacting your NPI record.
“Portable X-ray and/or Other Portable Diagnostic Imaging Supplier” has replaced “Portable X-ray Supplier” in the NPI record for your portable x-ray operation. This change could also impact your enrollment with health plans other than Medicare.The change is effective July 5, 2016. NAPXP initiated this revision in 2014 when it requested a change to the Health Care Provider Taxonomy—the national classification system that is used to describe the area of specialization for individual health care providers and health care entities in their NPI records, when enrolling with health plans, and in some electronic health care claim transactions with payers. The National Uniform Claim Committee (NUCC) maintains the Health Care Provider Taxonomy.
NAPXP advocated on behalf of the portable imaging industry for a new area of specialization in the Health Care Provider Taxonomy that reflects contemporary portable imaging suppliers and the full scope of services they provide.Definition of Portable X-ray and/or Other Portable Diagnostic Imaging Supplier: In the Health Care Provider Taxonomy (version 16.0) released on January 1, 2016, “Portable X-ray and/or Other Portable Diagnostic Imaging Supplier” is defined as:A supplier that provides one or more of the following portable services, including but not limited to, x-ray, electrocardiogram (EKG), long-term EKG (Holter Monitor), bone densitometry, sonography, and other imaging services in accordance with all state and federal requirements, under the general supervision of a qualified physician. All necessary resources are transported to the patient's location where the services are performed.
Source: Health Care Provider Taxonomy (version 16.0); page 190. See attached.
Note: “Portable X-ray Supplier” has been eliminated from the Health Care Provider Taxonomy and is replace by “Portable X-ray and/or Other Portable Diagnostic Imaging Supplier.” The 10-digit alphanumeric code, 335V00000X, previously associated with Portable X-ray Suppliers has been transferred to Portable X-ray and/or Other Portable Diagnostic Imaging Supplier. Therefore, there is no change in the code. Building on its success with obtaining a new taxonomy classification for the portable imaging industry, NAPXP launched the “Taxonomy Promotion Initiative” in January 2016 to advocate for changes to federal regulations and Medicare policies that advance the new taxonomy classification such as: Payment for the transportation of all portable diagnostic imaging equipment and technical personnel to a patient location and payment for the set-up of all portable diagnostic imaging equipment since payment for transportation and setup is now unjustifiably limited to only portable x-ray procedures. A single enrollment with health plans under the new taxonomy classification is possible.
Ultrasound Transportation Reimbursement
Fair R0070 transportation rates for ALL states
Possibility of exempting portable diagnostics from Part A
Fair Medicaid reimbursement for all states

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