JOIN & Donate to APDA PAC

Political Action Committee FAQ - IWLA

The APDA PAC, the non-partisan political action committee of APDA, is the only PAC aimed solely at representing and defending the interests of the portable diagnostics industry. APDA PAC’s mission is simple: to empower our members to shape a political environment that grows and protects businesses offering services and products in the portable diagnostics industry. Help elect candidates for federal office who are supportive and responsive to our industry's goals and objectives, understand our priorities, and commit to protecting our interests.
The APDA PAC is a vital political piece and fundamental tool of the American Portable Diagnostic Association allowing APDA members to play a role in supporting political candidates who care to listen and promote the portable diagnostic industry. The APDA PAC brings APDA members and its lobbying team together to build relationships, create champions and educate policy makers about Portable Diagnostics.

PAC Contributions:
You must complete the APDA PAC Approval Form prior to contributing-see side page
Contributions cannot be made via corporate check but must be made with personal funds via check or credit card registered to a home address

If paying by Credit Card, click on the "Donate" button above.

If paying by check,
Please make checks payable to: 
Send Checks to:
1065 Executive Parkway Dr.
STE 220
St. Louis, MO 63141-6367

Thank you for your Contribution!

Join your Colleagues and Support the APDA PAC Today

First Steps to Join APDA PAC
Please click on the link below, complete, sign & submit. 

Supporting APDA PAC allows 
you as a member of the portable diagnostic industry an opportunity to contribute to your own success.

 A few things to keep in mind when contributing to the APDA PAC:

  • Donations are not considered charitable contributions for federal tax purposes.
  • In compliance with federal and election regulations, contributions to the APDA PAC cannot be made via corporate check but must be made with personal funds via check or credit card registered to a home address.
  • State laws require political action committees to collect and report the name, mailing address (as listed on your credit card or check) and occupation of individuals that contribute in a calendar year.
  •  Donations to APDA PAC are used for a political purpose. Your decision to contribute or not contribute is completely voluntary; you have the right to refuse to contribute without reprisal.

APDA yearly dues for your organization are separate from donations made directly to the APDA PAC.